Core API Functions
Pathfix has a suite of powerful Core functions available as APIs. This covers common tasks that you might need to perform as part of your automation. They are categorized in the following manner:
- Text
- Number
- Date
- List
- Web
- Core Multi
- Core Bulk

All the Core API have been documented with the API specification in case you wish to clone them and customize the input/output for your own use.
The Core API Functions are used in two ways
- Called using an API Call
- Called as part of a Bulk or Multi API Call
Every function has a type, function, params to it.
If you were to call it using an API call it would be structured as /functions/type/function and the request body would contain the params
If you were to call it as part of a Bulk or Multi API you would structure it as JSON the structure would be as follows
Each API might have a different credit consumption based on the task, complexity of execution and plan. Here is a reference table of Minimum API Task Credits that will be consumed.

All Plans (up to Premium):
Core API | Minimum Credits Consumed (below 20kB) |
text/all | 1 |
number/all | 1 |
datetime/all | 1 |
json/all | 1 |
list/all | 1 |
web/all | 1 |

Premium Plans (and above):
Core API | Minimum Credits Consumed (below 20kB) |
text/all | 0 |
number/all | 0 |
datetime/all | 0 |
json/all | 0 |
list/all | 0 |
web/all | 0 |

If the data passed is higher than the minimum 20kB, each multiple of 20kB will be considered as an additional API task. The size is calculated based on the size of the request size + response size. (i.e. If you send a text that is 200kb long, it will consume 10 API task credits)

Core APIs can be added to your automation like any other API. Add a New API Call node to your automation by clicking on Add API and search and call any of the Core APIs to perform a set of functions.
- In your Design page, click on Call API to add a new task

- Add Title to your API and click on the dropdown to Select API
- You would see a few categories of core APIs available to you
- Click on the API you wish to use to see a list of available APIs in that category

- You can also search for a keyword of the core function (e.g. email)

- Core APIs allow you to pick a specific response and process it based on the output you are looking for
- After selecting the API, you may see a set of further inputs needed by the selected API, start typing or click on the input field to see options available from previous API calls
- The search results pulls data from previous calls and categorizes it by the API call and provider, making it easy to select.
- In this example, we are extracting the email address to send to an internal API