Core APIs

Core Bulk


The Bulk API is expected to be used with a large number of Rows. The bulk process runs asynchronously and calls an Automation Endpoint on completion. Its best to use this when you are expecting a process to run over for more than a minute.

There are three parts to this API

  1. Input - is expected to be a large list of JSON Objects.
  2. Functions - a list of any of the Core Functions in the function JSON representation format defined here
  3. Output - An output definition for each of the items in the Input list

There is a minor difference in the way the functions list is created. Follow the example in the API for clarity. This will be aligned in future releases of the bulk API.

Webhooks in this API




Required - The API will be rejected without a valid Automation url. This is where the output along with the "process_name" will be sent as a POST resquest


Optional - Use this to track the progress of API. This works in conjunction with progress_rows and sends a progress notification for every n rows (100 in this example)


Optional - Useful to track any failure. The error notification works on every item of the list that is being processed. Any error will not stop processing but will send a notification to he url specified and continue to process the remaining items.

API Definition

Call the following API:

Updated 03 Mar 2023
Doc contributor
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