Filter JSON Objects from a JSON List
Filters the matched JSON objects and returns a JSON Object List with only the once that matched the criteria
Processing Rule | Possible values | Description | Default |
match_type | text/date/number | Filter rules/matches are processed based on the given types | text |
match_operator | | The match comparison rule is different match type | |
-- for match_type:text | equals | Exact match | contains |
| contains | Matches the match pattern anywhere within key | |
| does-not-contain | Matches if the match pattern is not present within the key | |
| is-null | Matches if the key is not present or has an empty string or value is null | |
| is-not-null | Matches if the key is present | |
-- for match_type: date | equals | Exact Match | equals |
| greater-than | Matches if the date in key is greater than date in match | |
| lesser-than | Matches if the date in key is lesser than date in match | |
| greater-than-equals | Matches if the date in key is greater than or equal to date in match | |
| lesser-than-equals | Matches if the date in key is lesser than or equal to date in match | |
-- for match_type: number | equals | Exact Match | equals |
| greater-than | Matches if the number in key is greater than number in match | |
| lesser-than | Matches if the numbert in key is lesser than number in match | |
| greater-than-equals | Matches if the number in key is lesser than or equal to number in match | |
| lesser-than-euals | Matches if the number in key is lesser than or equal to number in match | |
| | | |